Page name: Normal High Students [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-12-15 04:23:36
Last author: Vou
Owner: Blood Sucking Beauty
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Normal High Students

3 students per person


Age:(between 15 and 18)
Clothes:(There is a uniform but this is for clothes they where outside of school)
Other facts:
Home:(Type, appearance, n with who...)

Username:[Blood Sucking Beauty]
Name: Tonani Glory and Damion Glory
Age: Both 18
Grade: 12th Grade
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Redish brown
Clothes: Skin tight black shirt and jeans on both of them
Personilty: Tonani is quite an asshole and will speak his mind while Damion is more friendly and kind. He does not speak out of term and rarely gets angry.
Other facts: Tonani and Damion are identical twins who try to look exactly like eachother to confuse people.
Home:A large stone rancher home on many acres of land and a horse ranch attached. They live with their father since their mother died.

Username: [~Crimson Angel~]
Name: Christina Miller
Age: 17
Grade: 10
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Clothes: She mostly wears Jeans, you will very rarely catch her wearing dresses or skirts, and she loves to wear her purple sneakers.
Personilty: She is nice, she is a bit childish but can be serious when needed.
Other facts: She was held back for failing three classes, she's supossed to be in the 11th grade, her parents died when she was 12 years old so she lives with her older sister and her cousin now.
Home: She lives in a three bedroom apartment with her 22 year old sister, and her 19 year old cousin.
Image: <img400*0:>

Username: [~Crimson Angel~]
Name: Edward Connell (Ed for short)
Age: 15
Grade: 9
Hair: short white hair
Eyes: greyish eyes
Clothes: (See pic)
Personilty: He's not very social and acts rude, but he's really kind and caring and sometimes it shines through.
Other facts: His dad left his mom when he found out she was pregnant with him, and he's never met his father, his mom doesn't even talk about him.
Home: Edward lives in a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment with his mom, it also has a living room and a kitchen.
Image: <img:>

Name:Kathy Oita(close friends call her kat)
Grade:11th Grade
Hair:(see pic)
Eyes:(see pic)
Clothes:Cute,(goes with her mood) mostly long sleeve undershirt with a teeshirt over, most skirts but like to wear jeans(again depends on mood) and wears black sneakers(they're comfortable) always wears her cat hat and fingerless gloves, rarely seen without them
Personilty:Happy most of the time, but sometimes she'll surpise you with a pissed off attitude
Other facts:not very social if you can believe it.
Home: a small 2 bedroom apartment, just her and her mom, but her mom is always working so its mostly just her.

Username: [InsanityAngel]
Name: Phoenix
Age: 17
Hair: Orange
Eyes: Blue
Clothes: skinny jeans, sometimes skirts, shirts she makes herself, and skater shoes.
Personilty: Shy and quiet when you dont know her, but when you do she is nice, kind, and have a bit of an attitude at times.
Other facts: Phoenix's parents left her and her brother. Kenji is her cousin.
Home: A small two story house with her older brother that's rarely home and cousin.

Username: [InsanityAngel]
Name: Kenji
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Clothes: dark colored shirts with the sleeves ripped off, black pants
Personilty: Quiet, keeps to himself when he doesn't trust you, funny, sarcastic, and kind when he opens up
Other facts: Kenji's family died in a car accident. Phoenix is his cousin
Home:A small two story house with his cousins.

Username: [twitchboy]
Name: Takato Nakini
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Hair: Sandy Blonde
Eyes: Ice blue
Clothes: He loves to wear simple tees and jeans, however his rarely ever seen without his headphones even in class.
Personilty: He is avery easy going guy and simply loves to make others laugh even if it disrupts class. He is a sucker for a cute girl and will try his best to lay a smooth game down.
Other facts: He is crazy over shrimp, loves to wrestle and knows a lot of random facts.
Home: Lives in a two story house right on the edge of town. His back yard leads right up to a creek that boarders the forest. He lives with both his parents and his younger sister.
Image: <img:>

Username:[Bella HeartAttack]
Name: Bella
Grade: 11
Hair: (pic)
Clothes: (pic)
Personilty: keeps to herself most of the time, and likes to cause trouble.
Other facts:
Home:in an apartment by herself.
Image: <img:>

Username: [Rice]
Name: Evelyn Bates.
Age: 12. (Child prodigy)
Grade: 12th Grade.
Hair: Blonde.
Eyes: Blue.
Clothes: She wears summer dresses mostly, but always sticking to darker colours like black, greys and dark reds and blues.
Personilty: Evelyn has an IQ of 180 and is a child prodigy, hence her being in her last year of highschool at the tender age of 12. She is very smart, sharp minded and logically, she loves games such a chess. Her intelligence is also a downfall aswell though, she feels alienated by children her own age and by children in high school, she feels like a freak at times and thus puts up a stoic cold facade to try and push others away. She's still a little girl at heart.
Other facts: She can usually be caught reading a book. She may be a genius but she is terrible at anything un-acedemical. She sucks at sports, can't cook, can't dance, can't sing and is pretty much a faliure at music and art.
Home: She lives with her father who is a Doctor in an afluent home.
Image: <img:stuff/aj/87488/1257982404.jpg>

Username: [Vampire Princess Twilight]
Name: Twilight DeLucca
Age: 18
Grade: 12
Hair: pink and black
Eyes: emerald green
Clothes: short black pleated skirt with chains on the right side, crimson button up shirt with the first three buttons undone under a black corset with crimson thigh socks and black knee boots. has black and crimson bracelets on her wrists and one onyx arm circlet on her right arm and one crimson armlet on her left arm. has a tattoo on her arm of a Wiccan Pentacle but hides it with flesh colored paint.
Personilty: nice for the most part but can be vicious if angered.
Other facts: Twilight lives with her boyfriend Fusashi and their 4-month-old daughter Ranna. Twilight is a model so she's pretty wealthy but she doesn't let it go to her head like most models do.
Home: Twilight lives with her boyfriend and her daughter in a penthouse style house on the outskirts of town.
Image: <img500*0:>

Username: [Flisky]
Name: Tristan and Trinity Collix
Age: 15
Grade: 10
Hair: Black
Eyes: Tristan's are blue, Trinity's are brown
Clothes: Tristan usually wears black, Trinity likes colors. They wear comfortable clothes for the most part.
Personilty: Having grown up being homeschooled, the twins together made the decision that since they moved from their first home in Australia, they would attend school. Tristan is quieter than his somewhat more outgoing sister, though neither likes being the center of attention.
Other facts: Tristan is gay.
Home: They live in a three bedroom townhouse with their father, Dr. Alexander Collix.
Image: <img0*300:>

Username:[~Spirit Fox~]
Name: girl: Amiki Hyle /boy: Hisoka Korim
Age: Amiki: 17 boy: 16
Grade: both in 11th
Hair: Amiki: dark blue, to mid-back /Hisoka: medium brown, short
Eyes: Amiki: dark blue /Hisoka: dark brown
Clothes: Amiki: black tee shirt, dark blue pants, and flip flops. /Hisoka: white baggy tee shirt, light blue jeans, white and black tennishoes.
Personilty: Amiki: has a devil may care attitude, and will occasionally flick school. She loves Hisoka and protects him and his younger sister Selie. /Hisoka: A goody-goody who has a tendancy to do Amiki's homework for her. Hisoka wears glasses and appears mousish when he is beging yelled at by Amiki.
Other facts: Amiki and Hisoka are dating, they have been together since tenth grade. Amiki doesn't trust teachers, where Hisoka looks up to them.
Home: Amiki: She lives in an apartment, Amiki keeps her apartment very clean, she ahtes clutter, and she lives alone, her parents let ehr move out at age sixteen when she lied to them, sayings he was pregnate to get the to let her move out. Amiki hates her family and rarely says anything about them. Hisoka: He lives in a two story house with his parents, and younger sister Selie, Hisoka's house is very orderly, untill you get to his room. Hisoka is always working on somehting so he never bother's to clean claiming that when he cleans, he loses everything.
Image: <img500*0:>

Username:[~Spirit Fox~]
Name: Selie (Le-le) Korim
Age: 15
Grade: 9th
Hair: light green, to her knees. She usually wears her hair down, unless she is going to fight.
Eyes: dark brown
Clothes: Selie likes to wear dresses, skirts, and lacey material. she had been noted to wear white gloves, and loads of jewlery. Selie is usually seen in high heels, and has a tendancy to favor white.
Personilty: She is a girly girl, until someone threatens Hisoka, then Selie goes into battle mode, pulling her hair up, throwing her jewlery to the floor and kicking off her high heels. Selie is a sweet person, and when she likes someone she will defend them, but when she hates someone she will do anything to get back at them.
Other facts: Selie has a temper and sometimes speaks before she thinks.
Home: Two story home, the entire house is neat and orderly, her room is no different. Her room is very white and pink, with lace everywhere. Selie lives with her parents and her older brother Hisoka.

Username: [Rice]
Name: Vance Staten.
Age: 17.
Grade: 11.
Hair: Green.
Eyes: Brown/Blue.
Clothes: Hoodys and baggy jeans, casual wear, but stuff that makes you part of the crowd.
Personilty: Vance is one of those menacingly gentle and polite guys who everyone is slightly creeped out by. He is cool headed and never seems effected by anything, his attitude is always calm, collected, nice and civil. He's the type of guy who you never turn your back to, and when in his presence you feel unnerved if he is too near or too far.
Other facts: Vance has hetrochromia which means his eyes are different colours, one is brown and the other blue, he is not self concious about it, he relishes in his abnormality.
Home: Unknown, probably some empty apartment.
Image: <img://>

Normal High

Username (or number or email):


2009-08-03 [Chishio]: otay

2009-08-03 [Chishio]: ... i'm going to use my character otay?

2009-08-03 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: ok

2009-08-04 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: hey guys...please also make some teachers???

2009-08-04 [~Crimson Angel~]: Didn't I have one?

2009-08-05 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: no. i just started the teachers thing.

2009-08-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh it must have been on a different wiki, can you have more than one teacher?

2009-08-06 [Chishio]: we need more guys

2009-08-06 [InsanityAngel]: I can make a guy if you want :)

2009-08-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: I could too.

2009-08-06 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Yea please make more men. and yes u can have a total of 2 teachers. and also please limit how many student characters you have to about 2 or 3.

2009-08-06 [InsanityAngel]: There :D

2009-08-07 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: yay thanks

2009-08-07 [InsanityAngel]: No Problem :)

2009-08-07 [~Crimson Angel~]: OK I'M WORKING ON IT!

2009-08-13 [LinkTurrner]: can I join?

2009-08-13 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: yea sure. anyone and everyone can join. i NEED members.

2009-08-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: do you like my new character?

2009-08-14 [Chishio]: cool Amebara ^^
idk if i should make a guy or a girl

2009-08-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: We still need more guys I think.

2009-09-28 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: alright guys can we please create more chars and bring some friends in to see if they would like to join. im waiting for a few more people to get this going so it wont be too much of a one on one type of thing.

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